Wednesday, 30 March 2011
CREES, University of Birmingham
Oscar Pardo Sierra
POLSIS, University of Birmingham
Stefan Wolff
POLSIS, University of Birmingham
One of the consequences of the collapse and break-up of the Soviet Union was that numerous, predominantly ethno-national and territorial conflicts erupted in (and between) the successor states. Twenty years on, few, if any, of these conflicts have moved any closer to a sustainable solution. The purpose of the workshop is to organise a one-day event to take stock of the current state of affairs of these post-Soviet conflicts. It will analyse the current developments on post-conflict resolution in the former Soviet Republics 20 years on from the collapse of the USSR. The workshop will also focus on the opportunities for conflict settlement and the prospects for conflict resolution in the framework of EU-Russia engagement on a new European security architecture.
The aims of the workshop are the following:
- To further knowledge and understanding of the current situation of the post-Soviet conflicts in terms of a) status of conflict-resolution b) EU capacity and involvement c) Prospects for conflict resolution, especially with a view to the role the EU.
- To provide a theoretical and methodological perspective on how to analyse conflict resolution in the post-Soviet space within the current international order.
- To enable further collaborative projects between participants and their institutions with the potential of attracting additional external funding for research and knowledge transfer activities.